Saturday, July 10, 2010

I'm back!

It's been a long time since I was here last. To be exact, it's been three months! The reason for my absence was that although most of the comments I received from readers were positive, I had a couple of people I know personally contact me directly to state that they found my blog bitter and embarrassing. I tend not to take criticism all that personally, but because the comments came from people I know personally and given the nature of the accusations, I was compelled to take time off to reflect upon my motives.
Three months after my last post, I am resolved that no slander or bitterness was ever intended in my blog. The purpose of my blog has always been to show the real heart of real struggles by a real person trying to live a victorious Christian life. This means that I will share stories from painful and joyful parts of my Christian journey. Real life is full of both pain and joy, so my blog will reflect that. This is not to say that I never struggle with bitterness, hurt, resentment, or any other negative reaction to a situation. I freely admit that there have been people in my life that I had to chose to forgive on a daily basis until all hurt and ill feelings faded from my heart. But you see, that's the heart of the message. As Christians we fail. But with Christ we can persevere to victory!
I hope that clarifies any misunderstandings about my blog, and by extension, my heart. Readers are of course free to believe what they choose. But just so you've heard it from the "horse's mouth" I only seek to encourage you through stories of my struggles and victories.