Friday, October 22, 2010

Family Values

Now that we are expecting our second child in February, I have joined some expectant mother forums. These forums are great for many reasons, one of them being I can get a snapshot of how other children my kid's ages will be and are being raised. It has come to my attention that conservative values for raising a child are being rejected by many "free thinkers" who all seems to think alike, by the way. But I digress.

Here is a list of 10 unshakable family values that may label my family as "old-fashioned" or worse, but values that we will not budge on, nonetheless. This is first 10 principles that popped into my head, so this is not a comprehensive list, nor is it listed in order of importance.

Check with me in 20 years to see how we did. :)

1) My husband and I will stay married, no matter what. If this means one of us has to drag the other by the ear to marriage counseling one day, that's what will happen.

2) We will be actively attend a local church, where we are members. And our kids will do so as well, as long as they live under our roof. They will choose for themselves to follow the Lord or not. But church will not be an option until they move out.

3) I will cover myself in public while nursing my kids. I don't desire to be a target for sickos or a stumbling block for others.

4) Our kids will be expected to say, "please", "thank you", "I'm sorry", "ma'am", "sir", etc. Basic manners can only help them as adults.

5) We will pray together daily as a couple and as a family. The family that prays together, stays together.

6) We will spank our kids once they are old enough to understand the concept of sin and consequences. We will not abuse our kids, leave marks, or discipline in anger. We will not spank children under the age of accountability.

7) Our kids will have chores to do. Some will be done to earn an allowance, others will simply be expected of them. Even our son(s) will learn how to wash clothes, wash dishes, cook and mop.

8) We will not borrow money.

9) We will have an open-door policy on whatever our kids want to talk to us about. Sex, divorce, other religions, sin, hurt, pain, what-have-you. There is no discussion off limits between us and our kids.

10) Choose you this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

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